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33 FREE Creative Instagram Caption Prompts

with Lucie Fink


Do you ever feel totally STUCK when it comes to crafting engaging Instagram captions? You might have SO MUCH you want to say and share with the world but feel at a constant loss for words when it comes to getting it all out there. This powerful worksheet will get your creative juices flowing and spark tons of new ideas when it comes to telling YOUR unique story through Instagram captions. Never run out of caption inspiration again!

ABOUT Marjolaine & Lucie

I’m Marjolaine and I am a business coach for creatives, yoga teacher & artist living mindfully just outside of Berlin. I create powerful tools for creative women like you to show-up to your full potential, go after your dreams unapologetically and create a life & brand you are madly in love with.

And I’m Lucie. I’m a video producer and lifestyle host living and loving life in New York City. Through all the content I create, my goal is to encourage people everywhere to explore, try new things, and push themselves to live the fullest, healthiest and happiest lives possible.

The two of us met via Instagram a few years back and the rest is history. For about three years now, we’ve both been using Instagram as our main marketing platform, and each of us is making a full-time living doing what we love, sharing our stories through our personal brands online.


This FREE captions template is a great way for you to start upleveling your Instagram game instantly! Let’s get writing!